Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween frenzy

I don't think I have been this excited for Halloween since the year my mom made my princess costume.  I was about eleven.  I wish I still had that costume.  My mom is an excellent seamstress and I loved twirling in my outfit, especially when she'd try to hem it.  But I digress.  This year I am dressing up for work complete with a neon wig, tights and hand sewn costume (courtesy of a great friend/coworker).  We (myself and two coworkers) are dressing up as highlighters complete with highlighter cap hats that we fashioned from neon posterboard.  Trust me we look adorable.  Or at least in a group we will look cohesively adorable. Tonight I'm making the 'barcode' portion to stick on our bums.  So we can scan ourselves and be purchased...hehehe

Until Halloween!!

p.s. I'm the green one!

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San Diego, California
Crafter, Sephora addict, anthropologie-loving, grammar obsessed, laid-back Californian.