Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm not a cat person

But, I am a fan of silly pet stuff.  While browsing the blogosphere (I call it 'bouncing through the internet') I stumbled upon this site.  I immediately thought of a coworker who has an adorable kitty and with whom I share an affinity for the lolcats webstite.  We typically start or end most fridays at work with a page of lolcats. 
Suck UK is full of funny products that incorporate humor with everyday desk or home accessories.  But by far the funniest thing on their site is this cat play house in the shape of a tank or firetruck.  Watch the youtube videos on the page and you'll see why you need one, even if you aren't a cat person.  

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San Diego, California
Crafter, Sephora addict, anthropologie-loving, grammar obsessed, laid-back Californian.