During college I worked for Sears in almost every department learning the many facets of the day to day operations of the store. I no longer work there but received a small gift card from them this year due to a class action law suit. Also this holiday I got a gift card to Sears from my grandma. Now I am in a similar circumstance as with the wishbook. I have over $400 to spend at Sears. And their website, the digital version of the wishbook, has become the new place for me to 'circle' items I want by placing them into my shopping cart.
Circling all those toys when I was little was a fantasy. Hoping that I would get maybe one of the large playsets was all I really wanted. And I imagined if I had the money that I would buy all of them. Well now I 'have the money' and I can't decide what to get. I keep thinking 'practical', use it for new glasses in the optical department, or go 'indulgent' and get those $169 Ciao Bella Boots.
Off to peruse my wishbook. Happy 2010 everyone! May you have a safe and happy holiday and I'll see you in the new year.